Epoxy adhesives belonging to this category have the most diverse functions, including the bonding of internal cores, components, panels or the replacement of mechanical fasteners made with a nut/bolt system, rivets or welding. A joint made with structural adhesives can perform better than a traditional assembly because the two materials tend to fuse together as a result of the polymerisation of the adhesives. This is induced by mixing in set proportions of two parts that are kept separate in the storage phase, allowing a wide choice in the workability time of two-component adhesives. There are adhesives with rigid, flexible or reinforced formulations, differing according to the requirements of structural joints: capacity to absorb vibrations, thermal or load variations, shock shock.
Selection of epoxy adhesives in cartridges or drums suitable for bonding at room temperature with medium-high viscosity and wide range of use. Excellent for bonding reinforced articles produced with the main types of fibres. Hardening takes place by mixing in established proportions two components that are kept separate during the storage phase. To be used at room or moderate temperatures, by spatula or roller application.
Mates ®
I film adesivi costituiscono un’innovazione rispetto agli altri collanti perchè in grado di velocizzare notevolmente i tempi di stesura ed incollaggio. Il film deriva da un collante in forma di foglio flessibile che a temperatura elevata si ammorbidisce, permettendo così l’incollaggio del laminato all’anima a cellula aperta o chiusa componendo una robusta struttura. L’applicazione di adesivi epossidici in film garantisce una distribuzione equa ed uno spessore ottimale dello strato adesivo, vengono quindi utilizzati per la produzione di strutture ad alto carico. I prodotti contenuti in questa categoria risultano inoltre indicati per l’incollaggio di metalli, legno, ceramica e pietra.